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XPSView for iOS : Read XPS & OXPS docume



檔案大小:8.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


XPSView for iOS : Read XPS & OXPS documents and Export to PD(圖1)-速報App

***** Now on sale!!! Limited time offer. (Regular Price $9.99) *****

XPSView is intuitive application to read XPS (XML Paper Specification, *.xps) and OpenXPS (*.oxps) documents on iPhones and iPads. In addition, XPSView allows you to convert XPS and OXPS documents into PDF and make it available for any PDF viewing application.

* * * XPSVIew for Mac is available on the Mac App Store. * * *

If your XPS or OXPS documents are in another app (For Example Mail, DropBox or SkyDrive etc.) that uses the Open In… button, tap the button to open the XPS or OXPS document in XPSView. You can also transfer XPS and OXPS documents from your desktop computer via iTunes into XPSView application on your iPhone or iPad.


◆ Open all XPS and OpenXPS documents. Fully compliance with OXPS standard.

◆ Converts XPS and OXPS into fully vector-PDF documents. Preserves text, vector graphics and raster images as editable PDF contents.

XPSView for iOS : Read XPS & OXPS documents and Export to PD(圖2)-速報App

◆ Tap on action to Open In.., Mail, Print or AirDrop transfer converted PDF documents. Converted PDFs are fully standard compliance PDF to open in any PDF document viewing or editing applications.


◆ Fully selectable and searchable text contents. Select and copy text to clipboard for further use.

◆ Pinch out and Pinch in to ZoomIn and ZoomOut view.

◆ Navigate through topics by document bookmarks, if exist.

◆ Built in search feature to find a character, word or sentence any where in the document.

◆ Scroll through your document by page slider or Go to page feature.

XPSView for iOS : Read XPS & OXPS documents and Export to PD(圖3)-速報App

◆ Print document.


◆ Converts XPS to fully vector-PDF documents. Preserves text, vector graphics and raster images as editable PDF contents.

◆ Preserves Bookmarks (Outline).

◆ Preserves XPS internal and external topic hyperlinks into PDF. It automatically maintains XPS topic and page navigation links into PDF compatible annotations.

◆ Preserves metadata properties.

Note: XPSView is standalone application running natively to convert XPS to PDF securely on your device.

XPSView for iOS : Read XPS & OXPS documents and Export to PD(圖4)-速報App

You can refer User Manual for any assistance Or Contact Support.

Visit our website for more information: www.rootrisetech.com/product/xpsview

XPSView for iOS : Read XPS & OXPS documents and Export to PD(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad